Autore: admin

  • Voices and faces of ImproLANDS – Italian residency ending show

    Voices and faces of ImproLANDS – Italian residency ending show

    Voices and faces of ImproLANDS – actors and spectators at the same time was held on Saturday 29th June at the Teatro Comunale di Caldarola at the end of the italian international residency of artists from Greece, Romania and Spain; created in collaboration between artists of theatrical improvisation and local communities, it is an unprecedented…

  • Multiradio interview to Emanuela and Daniele about ImproLANDS project

    Multiradio interview to Emanuela and Daniele about ImproLANDS project

    in s:

    During the Italian Residency we got the opportunity to tell about the ImproLANDS project on Multiradio, the interview is only in italian and can be found here below:

  • 24/06/24 article on Marche Spettacolo

    24/06/24 article on Marche Spettacolo

    in s:

    Marche Spettacolo published this article on 24/06/24 about the upcoming show in Caldarola theatre at the end of the italian residency:

  • ImproLANDS labs preparation in Spain

    ImproLANDS labs preparation in Spain

    During the month June, the talented artists from Las Cosas Que Hacemos threw themselves headlong into a fruitful round of meetings with local communities in the small towns of Miguel Ibáñez, Muñopedro, and Cillán, located in the Segovian countryside.  Through active listening, they had the chance to discover what residents’ daily life looks like in…

  • ImproLANDS trailer

    ImproLANDS trailer

    Our project trailer was conceived by our media coordinator Paolo Strologo to encapsulate the essence of the project. All partners were invited to create short videos featuring the project’s challenges, keywords, and goals. From themes such as isolation and abandonment to the transformative power of connection and improvisation, every frame paints a vivid picture of the ImproLANDS’ mission. Despite the…

  • Improv Theatre lab in Pieca – Italy

    Improv Theatre lab in Pieca – Italy

    The 26th may in Pieca, the amateur theatre troupes of Artisti Filodrammatica Pian di Pieca and Artisti Filodrammatica Ripe San Ginesio found themselves venturing into the unknown, embracing the spontaneity and creativity that comes with improvisation. For these seasoned performers, used to the safety of scripts, the labs were a revelation. Through name-exchange games, concentration…

  • Improv Lab with S…passi di Salute project

    Improv Lab with S…passi di Salute project

    A particularly moving chapter of the improv labs held in the Marche Region was the unexpected partnership with the S…passi di Salute project, which supports breast cancer survivors through Nordic Walking. Under the gentle guidance of Fabio Ambrosini, these incredible women explored the connection between their emotions and their physical bodies through improvisational theatre. In…

  • First Improv lab in Greece

    First Improv lab in Greece

    In the city of Larissa, more than 20 young people with an interest in the performing arts under the guidance of our amazing partner Synergy of Music Theatre (SMouTh) approached the concept of ‘change’ through theatrical improvisation and the synthesis of the performing arts. Both personal experience and spontaneous expression were the material with which the participants, through collective processes,…

  • Improv theatre lab in Caldarola and Pieca – Italy

    Improv theatre lab in Caldarola and Pieca – Italy

    The ImproLANDS project is making a significant impact in Italy by giving visibility to the earthquake-affected inland areas of the Marche Region where communities are still healing from the devastation of 2016. In 14th april 2024 two workshops took place simultaneously in Caldarola with the Civil Protection Corps and in Pieca with the amateur theatre…

  • 06/04/24 article on Cronache Maceratesi

    06/04/24 article on Cronache Maceratesi

    in s:

    Article about ImproLANDS press conference on Cronache Maceratesi. The article is only in italian, read it here: