Categoria: Residencies
Getting ready for spanish residency
As the Spanish residency, set for September 3rd to 9th, is fast approaching, Las Cosas Que Hacemos is tooling up to welcome talented artists from partner organisations, Accademia56, Shoshin, and SMouTh. Over six days of intensive collaboration, the participants will work on an uplifting audiovisual documentary and create an impactful show that sheds light on…
Italian Residency
The first transnational artistic residency of ImproLANDS took place from June 24th to 30th across five municipalities (Belforte del Chienti, Caldarola, Camporotondo di Fiastrone, Cessapalombo, and Serrapetrona) in the ‘Unione Montana dei Monti Azzurri’ in the Marche Region. Mindful of the revitalising impact of locally-rooted cultural initiatives in their earthquake-affected territories, the administrations joined forces…