Categoria: Project progress

  • ImproLANDS labs preparation in Spain

    ImproLANDS labs preparation in Spain

    During the month June, the talented artists from Las Cosas Que Hacemos threw themselves headlong into a fruitful round of meetings with local communities in the small towns of Miguel Ibáñez, Muñopedro, and Cillán, located in the Segovian countryside.  Through active listening, they had the chance to discover what residents’ daily life looks like in…

  • ImproLANDS press conference

    ImproLANDS press conference

    On April 5th, Accademia56 hosted a press conference at Simonelli Group’s Belforte Campus, spotlighting the groundbreaking ImproLANDS project. This event, held at this modern venue dedicated to sustainable growth and development through training and innovation, fostered important conversations to reinforce synergies with the media and stakeholders toward the shared goals of community resilience and social…

  • The project Kickoff

    The project Kickoff

    The kick-off meeting, which took place on 16th February 2024, marked the effective start of the project’s implementation phase and represented a great occasion for all project partners to meet in person and work together as part of a unique, European team. Here’s a sneak peek of what went down: A separate session on the…